Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 8: October 29 Nanjing to Wuxi

Janice woke up to BED BUG BITES!!! ahhhh Holiday Inn was not very clean and the shower and sleeping area was weird. You can like see whoever is showering from the bedroom cause of the glass window and non-functioning blinds LOL

anyways, we went to see the Confucius temple, stone city and Jade factory. BORING AS USUAL.

This was Janice's FIRST encounter with a new type of squatting toilet...it was a COMMUNAL one. There were stalls, BUT, a semi-circular pipe ran through all the stalls and every stall basically peed into the same pipe. The pee level in the pipe was quite high. Apparently, we found out that the pipe flushes down a drain only during certain hours. So, make sure you don't have any back splash when you pee! LOL EWWWW

We went to a medieval times-like show with horses, people dressed up and fought on their horses. And what do you know, the actors on the horses loved us. They whistled at us while they were performing haha. Afterwards, we went on a boat cruise and the water was SO POLLUTED, it was GREEN with OIL ON IT and SMELLED HORRENDOUS. And what did we do? WE PUT ON THE SARS MASKS! LOL. We showed our legs by wearing shorts BUT our face is now mysterious LOL The local tour guide (he was gay, very funny man) tried to convince us that the water was not polluted and the oil on the top of the water was "L.G" (Algae LOL) and waved his index finger in an "s" motion and did the neck move with it.

In order to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, we invented a new walk...the slap and walk. Video to follow.

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