Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 20 November 10 Guangzhou

Lucky us, we had a complimentary breakfast with the ghetto hotel we were staying in...did we mention that it was in the corner of the underground parking lot? ghetto? lol

we were on the hunt for a suitcase since things were super cheap there. We walked what seemed like hours to find a place that sold suitcases. During this walk-athon, we stopped men in their tracks. Two incidents stand out:
1) man literally stops right beside us...stares...then says "hmmmmm" and walks away...and then turns around to look at us again.
2) we are walking down the street and these 4 guys were sitting down smoking. One of them stands up, and was in our face with his cigarette and stares.

Is that even normal behaviour?!?!?!? Funny thing is, we are wearing t-shirts and nothing scandalous.

anyways, we finally manage to buy a suitcase and headed to the train station back to HK. Janice's aunt decides to sit on another seat so we can sit with the luggage beside us. While Janice's aunt was moving, a guy in his mid-late 20s was carrying a clear bag with yellow liquid inside and it was DRIPPING! and it dripped on Janice's Aunt's foot. .....yup, it was PEE! how fucking gross and uncivilized is that?!?? Aunt flips out as the guy headed towards the washroom with his bag, leaving a trail of pee on the ground.

Goodbye Guangzhou. We have to disinfect our whole body now...

Finally, we are back in HK dragging Janice's new luggage around...FML. it was HARD work! On our way back, Janice gets elbowed in the head (wacked, almost) LOL and while Janice was getting off the escalator with her luggage she steps on a BIG COCKROACH and all you hear is CRRRRRUNCH LOL and its legs were hanging out the sides of her flip flops. FML.

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