Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 21 November 11 Bangkok

WOOOOT! We arrive in Bangkok!

First thing that happens, Lala gets verbally harassed by the immigration guy. Fucking jerk.

Then we were off to Siam Park...we were there for 4 hours!!! It was like 40 degrees weather. We almost died. We were so dehydrated, Janice slept on a bench in the shade like a homeless person hahah. People noticed her and from then on, that's how they struck up conversations with us. We introduced ourselves. They have a hard time saying our names, so Janice's became "Jennice" and Lawren became "Roaren" LOL only they gave up on Lala's name and just called Jennice whenever they needed something LOL It was here in the park we also drank...possibly contaminated water.

After being jailed at the park for 4 hours, we went to see the Erawan Shrine (4 face buddha). After this, we went for dinner. It was at this time, we started to have a negative impression of the younger people on our tour. We were stuck at a table with ill-mannered girls and guys. We could tell that there was a boss, and 3 followers. There were also 6 other gangsta-ish guys who were nicer than the other 4. Our negative impressions of the 4 were soon validated in the days to come. Nevertheless, we were still very polite and nice to everyone.

We went to the Suan Lum Night Bazaar. Tons of jewlery, clothes, food, etc etc. It was so big and everything looked the same. And of course, we got lost. LOL.

While on our way back to the hotel, the bus AC broke down and we were dying on the bus. Some of the people on the bus were sleeping, so when we arrived at the hotel, our local tour guide made a rooster call? FUCKING WEIRD. Oh, and this local tour guide also does this irritating mouth tasting sound. Hard to explain, you'll have to watch our videos once we post it up. We were forced to use the bell boy service at the hotel..BULLSHIT. We were so hot and fed up, we turned the thermostat to 10 degrees and slept so so well in the cold temperature :)

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