Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 2: October 23 Hengdian

Rise and shine at 5am!! Breakfast was deeeeeelicious. All you can eat buffet in the morning at The Lexington Plaza. After breakfast, we visited the Expo Centre right in the heart of Shanghai--it was so boring. We decided to venture off into the streets to grab some Starbucks. We needed a coffee fix. During our walk there, it smelled like ASS! As well, during our 15 minute walk to Starbucks, we encountered our very first WALK and STARE. It was during this time we also so the infamous nose picking and hoarking. This was expected. Next stop, All-U-Can-Eat dim sum :) :) and we had our first TsingTao beer. YUM!

We finally left restaurant to travel to Hengdian. It was a 6 hour ride!!! FML. Due to the beer and tea at lunch, Janice had to use the washroom REALLY BADLY except there wasn't a toilet in our bus...She held it in like a trooper while crossing one of the world's LONGEST bridge, 30ish km, which was equivalent to a 36-40 minute bus ride FML. The bridge was actually pretty cool, despite the calling of nature--from an aerial view, the bridge was an S-Shape and coloured like the rainbow :) FINALLY, we arrive at our 3 hour pit stop where we encounter our FIRST squatting toilet. P.S. bring your own toilet paper, otherwise use your hand hahhaha J/K!

Another 3.5 hours on the bus and we finally get to Hengdian Hollywood JUST to watch a 10 minute show and dinner. Show was so amateur and we saw the biggest grossest black creature/bug thing. UGH! we were very exhausted today and very annoyed at EVERYTHING. Expecting great things from our hotel tonight, and we were VERY disappointed...total downgrade. There were stains on the bed, washroom had what they called "Condems" and had pamphlets promoting the prevention of AIDS. Despite the nastiness, we slept again at 10:30.

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