Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 7: October 28 Suzhou to Nanjing

We visited the Silk factory. People went crazy for the blankets and stuff, but as per usual, we were bored outta our minds. Then we were forced to watch a fashion show. OMG, the models were like freaking anorexic and they need Miss Jay to teach them the model walk. Their chicken head bobbing thing was NOT WORKING OUT.

At lunch, the restaurant provided live entertainment, some lady singing. She was okay.

After lunch, we went on another bridge called the Yantze River bridge, 3rd longest bridge in the world. Inside the building, there was a painting collection of glass pots etc.

****We were soooooo not interested, we decided to get some fresh air outside...and boy, were we in for a surprise.
We were just minding our own business, talking and making documentary videos on Janice's bb, when some man startled us and stuck his face in between ours. We jumped back and he continued to approach us and kept speaking in mandarin asking where we were from. We ignored him but he kept harrassing us. Thankfully, our two bus drivers were nearby and so we ran behind them. The man followed...
He weaved past the bus drivers and we were so freaked out, we were pressed up against the front of the bus which was FILLED WITH DEAD BUGS from driving on the highway etc. Eventually, we pointed at the bus, and the bus driver opened the door and let us in and locked the door. The crazy man had a twitch on his right arm and wouldn't stop swinging it. He started to circle around the bus looking at us from the outside with his CRAZY eyes. We had no air in the bus, but we had no choice but to stay on the bus till he finally left, after the bus drivers said something to him. We got off the bus, and thanked the bus drivers. This was when we became a lot nicer to the bus drivers for the rest of the trip LOL.

After this, we visited Nanjing Road where there were lots of snacks and little street eats. We went back to our Holiday Inn hotel and watched a Nicole Kidman movie and called it a night.

We re-enacted the incident before we passed out. Please watch videos we will be posting.

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