Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 15 November 5 TST

Today we are meeting up with Janice's friend, IRIS!
We head out to TST early in the early that the stores aren't even open yet, so we take a stroll at Kowloon Park.
We ate at Janice's fave restaurant, Satay King :) YUMMMM and had dessert at Hui Lau Shan.
While at the dessert place, we had an Oprah moment. It will never be forgotten....
Finally we meet up with Iris and we ate our 2nd lunch of the day lol, SUSHI!!!! After lunch, we had Iris take us hunting for fake eye lashes and a swimsuit. Went to these cool 5 storey shopping buildings and we bought cute japanese snacks. We did an HK-Must...we ate STINKY TOFUUUUU! hahaha There was also a store that sold rather interesting things...such as condoms in boses that looked like the popular cold medicine box and other sex toys haha
For dinner we craved for "Dai Pai Dongs" and we got lost trying to find it...took like an hour to find it! We realized that during that hour, we actually walked past it! Then we went to the harbour @ night and saw the pretty lights.
To end our night off, we met up with Iris' boss, Ben, and we had a drink at SOHO. Then we walked down to Lan Kwai Fong and witnessed the most frightening thing. Two asian girls thought they were video girls. They were doing the "snake move" the "chest pump" and just seizure-like cardiac arrest moves. Oh, and they actually thought they were cool. While performing their crazy dance, they even elbowed this poor white man. Then we saw this white girl doing the frog move (hopping up and down) and the other girl was recipricating by doing the butterfly move. WTF. People are so weird.
After a long and eventful night, we finally subwayed home, and Iris missed her last train home. Sorry iris!!!
Even though the bed at home is hard as a rock, we were glad to be lying on it after hours and hours of walking.

p.s. Happy Birthday Ben and Iris!

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