Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 25 November 15 Goodbye Thailand

The tension between us and the 4 losers continued. However, the nicer gangstas took pictures with us. We both knew why, because we were so much prettier and well-mannered than the other snobs. hahaha. We will be posting pictures of their ugly faces when we have the time.

Anyways, Janice got stuck on the plane sitting beside the 4 losers. Just her luck. FML. She quickly moved to an empty seat on the plane ASAP.

Lala went to Laos to see her cousins.

**Goodbye Lala :( see you in 2ish weeks. Have fun in Laos :) and be safe!!

Day 24 November 14 Pattaya Island

Janice is still being tormented by the contaminated water...FML

We take a boat ride to the island and Janice was...sea sick. AHHHH

We finally got to the island. It was not as pretty as imagined. Regardless, we went JET SKIING! woot! Unfortunately, we didn't get the jetski to ourselves. One of the workers was a third wheel. Janice was driving and thought about throwing him off with a crazy Anyways, Lala held on for dear life as Janice went on high speeds hahahaha.

We took advantage of the sun and tanned for about an hour before it got all cloudy again. Many things happened within this hour. While we were tanning, the bitchy girls started hating on us and stared as usual. The 20 year old with a 30 year old face hid from the sun the whole time we were in Pattaya, hiding under an umbrella. Probably a good idea since her face was so wrinkly and effed as it was LOL. The other girl with the annoying voice and a nose that looked like tucan Sam's beak was wearing a neon yellow bikini. She took her shorts off but still had a white t-shirt on the top. It was so pointless since she was in the water and it became see-through. Then we discovered why she was wearing a t-shirt. The girl had BUSHY ARMPITS. HOLY MOLY! we could see the dark shadow even with her t-shirt. Someone please tell this girl to trim that bush or weed-wack it LOL. Anyways, while we were sitting there and tanning, some man decides to take a picture of us. WTF. Then we got used to seeing guys in speedos BUT this one man topped it off. HE WAS WEARING A THONG SPEEDO. FML.

Anyways, we got hungry and went for lunch. We were getting ready to change, when we discovered we lost our locker key!!! after searching frantically, Lala realizes she put the key in her bag which was in the locked up locker -.- embarrassed, we got the lock cut. hahaha.

Lunch was the beginning of war. The fat guy who was friends with the two bitchy girls made an unneccessary comment. Although Lala had no idea what he said, she glared at him. And this is how it all started.

We went for a thai massage where Lala pretended not to understand thai. Then she would speak in english and tell Janice what they were saying and if they were talking about us LOL Anyways, the massage was comfortable up until our legs were being contorted in awkward ways and when they cracked our back and neck! -.- One of the snobby girls was so relaxed she fell asleep and started to snore. what a loser.

Dinner time was more intense. There was a physical separation at our table. The 4 losers + the young couple and then there was a gap in seating, and then there was us. We rejected their offer to scoop us rice and they were slightly offended. We acted like nothing was wrong. Then we finished dinner and the fat guy spins the plate of watermelon over. We pretend as if we didn't see him do that and ignore the plate of watermelon completely. Fat guy says quietly "what a bitch...". We become SO PISSED, we crossed our arms, sat with a slouch, and stared him down hardly blinking. He didn't dare look up until he was finished eating. While we were waiting for the bus, they start talking about us outside (since we were inside, we saw them all looking at us), we decided to step outside, and just look at him until he turned his back. The bus finally came and we got on. While we were walking to the back of the bus, we both took turns giving him the nastiest death stare EVER. He never dared to look at the back of the bus.

Afterwards we went to see Tiffany's Show (she-males). Janice LOVED IT. It was so entertaining. Janice was very impressed at how pretty some of them were. Pictures will be uploaded soon. After the show, we got the chance to take pictures and we got suckered into taking a picture with one of the uglier she-males :(

Had our last beer of the trip before we separate... :(

Day 23 November 13 Bangkok to Pattaya

We missed our complimentary breakfast today....well, we didn't really care for it since it was so shit anyways. So, we just had orange juice. Good enough for us!

Janice continues to feel the effects of the contaminated water from day 1 of the trip. OMG. She hates her life at the moment.

We went to Sriracha Tiger Zoo and fed a baby tiger :)
and then we had lunch at the zoo....and it was crappy. why are we not surprised?! the tension between us and the 4 gangstas are getting worse. The other young couple at the table are still neutral.

We hopped on the bus to our next see the elephants. SIAM Elephant Katinglou? The elephants were soooooo hairy and prickly and it's not that comfortable sitting on top. We tried our best to keep the weight distribution on the seat while the elephant was moving lol After the ride, the elephant picked us up with his trunk haha and now we have bruises on our arms from holding on to dear life. Then a baby elephant, which we called little dumbo, snuck up behind Janice and nudged her till she lost balance haha

Night time came along, and we decided not to see the "sexy show"...pretty much a strip show. Instead we decided to venture off on our own and sit at a bar and drink. After a few drinks, we were rather happy lol. Got suckered into joining the tour and eating shark fin meal, which was not that great, ugh. but anything tastes good while slightly intoxicated. hah.

to end off a good day, one of the bitchy girls...not the one with the ugly face and annoying voice. This one was still ugly, but in another way. She was like 20ish years old, but her face was so fucked. She looked like she was in her mid 30's with all her wrinkles. Sucks to be her. Anyways, she said something to rude us, assuming we didn't hear. We heard loud and clear and from then on, NO MORE BEING NICE. BRING IT ON BITCHES.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 22 November 12 Bangkok

Lala booked her plane ticket to Laos :) WOOOT! We don't need that stupid tour guide's help. Breakfast was so crap. There was nothing to eat. what crap! After our bus broke down yesterday night, we got a prettier was PINK and mosquito free...sorta.

On the bus, the ill-mannered girl crushes Lala's leg while she was lowering the chair knowing very well that Lala was sitting behind her. Stupid bitch! We established that she has two things no girl should ever have:
1) the "punch me" face
2) the "shut the fuck up" voice

We went to some jewlery gem place and was stalked by one of the employees there. OMG. like a friggin bee that won't fly away. lol.

Since we didn't pay for the buffet, we got to have our own lunch :) We ate at Central World and Janice had TWO meals lol. The first one was Pork Curry. We thought it was yellow curry, but it was definitely not. It was so spicy that Janice's lips got all red and swollen. LOL. We found a tourist pamphlet and decided to go on an adventure....

We took a taxi to Wat Pho (reclining Buddha). It was sooooooooo HOT!!! We wanted to go to the Wat Phra Kaeo, but we couldn't get in because we were wearing shorts and we couldn't go to the Wat Arun for the climb but we were limited on time and it was on the other side of the river. BOOOOOOOOO :(

After all the traffic jam, we went to get some starbucks except they didn't have Janice's fave Vanilla Bean :( WTF.

Day 21 November 11 Bangkok

WOOOOT! We arrive in Bangkok!

First thing that happens, Lala gets verbally harassed by the immigration guy. Fucking jerk.

Then we were off to Siam Park...we were there for 4 hours!!! It was like 40 degrees weather. We almost died. We were so dehydrated, Janice slept on a bench in the shade like a homeless person hahah. People noticed her and from then on, that's how they struck up conversations with us. We introduced ourselves. They have a hard time saying our names, so Janice's became "Jennice" and Lawren became "Roaren" LOL only they gave up on Lala's name and just called Jennice whenever they needed something LOL It was here in the park we also drank...possibly contaminated water.

After being jailed at the park for 4 hours, we went to see the Erawan Shrine (4 face buddha). After this, we went for dinner. It was at this time, we started to have a negative impression of the younger people on our tour. We were stuck at a table with ill-mannered girls and guys. We could tell that there was a boss, and 3 followers. There were also 6 other gangsta-ish guys who were nicer than the other 4. Our negative impressions of the 4 were soon validated in the days to come. Nevertheless, we were still very polite and nice to everyone.

We went to the Suan Lum Night Bazaar. Tons of jewlery, clothes, food, etc etc. It was so big and everything looked the same. And of course, we got lost. LOL.

While on our way back to the hotel, the bus AC broke down and we were dying on the bus. Some of the people on the bus were sleeping, so when we arrived at the hotel, our local tour guide made a rooster call? FUCKING WEIRD. Oh, and this local tour guide also does this irritating mouth tasting sound. Hard to explain, you'll have to watch our videos once we post it up. We were forced to use the bell boy service at the hotel..BULLSHIT. We were so hot and fed up, we turned the thermostat to 10 degrees and slept so so well in the cold temperature :)

Day 20 November 10 Guangzhou

Lucky us, we had a complimentary breakfast with the ghetto hotel we were staying in...did we mention that it was in the corner of the underground parking lot? ghetto? lol

we were on the hunt for a suitcase since things were super cheap there. We walked what seemed like hours to find a place that sold suitcases. During this walk-athon, we stopped men in their tracks. Two incidents stand out:
1) man literally stops right beside us...stares...then says "hmmmmm" and walks away...and then turns around to look at us again.
2) we are walking down the street and these 4 guys were sitting down smoking. One of them stands up, and was in our face with his cigarette and stares.

Is that even normal behaviour?!?!?!? Funny thing is, we are wearing t-shirts and nothing scandalous.

anyways, we finally manage to buy a suitcase and headed to the train station back to HK. Janice's aunt decides to sit on another seat so we can sit with the luggage beside us. While Janice's aunt was moving, a guy in his mid-late 20s was carrying a clear bag with yellow liquid inside and it was DRIPPING! and it dripped on Janice's Aunt's foot. .....yup, it was PEE! how fucking gross and uncivilized is that?!?? Aunt flips out as the guy headed towards the washroom with his bag, leaving a trail of pee on the ground.

Goodbye Guangzhou. We have to disinfect our whole body now...

Finally, we are back in HK dragging Janice's new luggage around...FML. it was HARD work! On our way back, Janice gets elbowed in the head (wacked, almost) LOL and while Janice was getting off the escalator with her luggage she steps on a BIG COCKROACH and all you hear is CRRRRRUNCH LOL and its legs were hanging out the sides of her flip flops. FML.

Day 19 November 9 Guangzhou

Finally arrived in Guangzhou and met up with Janice's aunts family and had lunch....the best food we've had so far!!! We shopped around where Janice's dad used to live and it was FUCKING HOT! we were sweating in places we never knew could sweat LOL ew, gross, i know. Our faces were oily throughout the whole day...we called it the.."dewy" look.

In the evening, we met up with Janice's Grandma's sisters and there, we listened to family history and tons of stories. Despite the unbearable heat and sweat, we were able to stay focused and listen to the stories lol. We walked around Beijing Road after dinner and stayed at a not so 5 star hotel. It was so grimey we had to wear long pants to sleep, use our t-shirts as pillow covers so our face wouldn't touch it and tucked our shirts into our pants to avoid being bitten by bugs and whatnot.