Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 10: October 31 Shanghai to Pudong Airport

FML, we run into Tony at Breakfast (refer to previous post)

Took picture with the other bus driver who saved our life from the crazy guy the other day. We made sure he smiled cause his teeth were SO BLACK and CHIPPED LOL He was so happy. He loved us too.

Went to the Old Temple Shopping area where we bought souvenirs and ate famous dumplings and failed miserably at bargaining.

Finally arrived at the Pudong Airport at 12, but our flight was at 6:20pm. We managed to bump our flight up to 2:40pm because of the nice couple from our tour who helped us out.

Lala decides to send postcards out and drops it off at the postcard place at the airport. Cost 15RMB. The guy working there didn't even put stamps on it and we are unsure whether it was actually sent or not.

As much as we hated this tour at times, after looking through the millions of pictures and videos on the camera, it brought back great memories and laughs.

Goodbye Shanghai....we will meet again :)

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