Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 16 November 6 mmmmm BK

Today we took our sweet time getting ready to leave. Woke up later than usual, around 8ish-9ish. We went to Central to go to the meeting for our Thailand tour. There, we got a voucher for free dim sum and got a free travel bag! SWEEET! we LOVE FREE FOOD! HAHAHA

After the meeting, we sat down at a Burger King which was across from a Rolls Royce lol. As Lala was trying to call her Aunt in Thailand, a worker from Burger King passed by and told Janice how good the Angry Angus burger was lol. However, we wanted Mexican food, so we walked uphill in LKF & SOHO to find a mexican restaurant. By the time we found one, we realized that deep down, we really wanted to satisfy our "american/canadian" craving. So, where did we go? Yup, BURGER KING! we ordered the Angry Angus burger that was introduced to us earlier and supersized EVERYTTHING HAHAHAHAH and we even got free chicken strips with our meal. And yes, Janice finished EVERYTHING, including the super sized drink -.- ahahahhaa

we went to Diamond Hill to look at Nian Lian was really pretty...japanese inspired garden. We took a mini-bus home, but got lost. Lucky for us, the mini bus driver was nice and re-routed, and dropped us off at the correct spot so we could get home :)

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