Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 14 November 4 Causeway Bay

Today we went to Causeway Bay to shop and we went to SOGO...a popular department store in HK. There really wasn't anything appealing there so we went back to our favourite place...MONGKOK! LOL if you don't know by now, we unintentionally take detours. Today we did it again. We went into the MTR station only to realize that we could've taken the bus so we got out of the station (paid) and took the bus. Then we look at the MTR station map again and realized we should've taken the subway and NOT the bus HAHAHAH
Before heading to Mongkok we go to Kwai Fong for some cheap clothes. We ate rice in soup and vermicelli YUM!
Lala had to go to the washroom so when we found it, she shoved some lady out of her way lol while the poor lady was trying to get out of the washroom. Clearly, Lala still thinks she's in China LOLS

We head back to Mongkok and we found the exact same bag we saw at Kwai Fong. We used the tag-team bargaining method:
Seller gives us the price, Janice looks at Lala for confirmation, Lala shakes her head and i tell seller "too expensive". Seller refuses to lower price, we walk. Seller chases us back with a calculator in head and gives new price. Lala shakes her head again and we leave. Finally WE give the price. 2 bags for $340HKD! that's like...less than $50 for 2 bags WOOT!

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