Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 19 November 9 Guangzhou

Finally arrived in Guangzhou and met up with Janice's aunts family and had lunch....the best food we've had so far!!! We shopped around where Janice's dad used to live and it was FUCKING HOT! we were sweating in places we never knew could sweat LOL ew, gross, i know. Our faces were oily throughout the whole day...we called it the.."dewy" look.

In the evening, we met up with Janice's Grandma's sisters and there, we listened to family history and tons of stories. Despite the unbearable heat and sweat, we were able to stay focused and listen to the stories lol. We walked around Beijing Road after dinner and stayed at a not so 5 star hotel. It was so grimey we had to wear long pants to sleep, use our t-shirts as pillow covers so our face wouldn't touch it and tucked our shirts into our pants to avoid being bitten by bugs and whatnot.

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