Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 23 November 13 Bangkok to Pattaya

We missed our complimentary breakfast today....well, we didn't really care for it since it was so shit anyways. So, we just had orange juice. Good enough for us!

Janice continues to feel the effects of the contaminated water from day 1 of the trip. OMG. She hates her life at the moment.

We went to Sriracha Tiger Zoo and fed a baby tiger :)
and then we had lunch at the zoo....and it was crappy. why are we not surprised?! the tension between us and the 4 gangstas are getting worse. The other young couple at the table are still neutral.

We hopped on the bus to our next see the elephants. SIAM Elephant Katinglou? The elephants were soooooo hairy and prickly and it's not that comfortable sitting on top. We tried our best to keep the weight distribution on the seat while the elephant was moving lol After the ride, the elephant picked us up with his trunk haha and now we have bruises on our arms from holding on to dear life. Then a baby elephant, which we called little dumbo, snuck up behind Janice and nudged her till she lost balance haha

Night time came along, and we decided not to see the "sexy show"...pretty much a strip show. Instead we decided to venture off on our own and sit at a bar and drink. After a few drinks, we were rather happy lol. Got suckered into joining the tour and eating shark fin meal, which was not that great, ugh. but anything tastes good while slightly intoxicated. hah.

to end off a good day, one of the bitchy girls...not the one with the ugly face and annoying voice. This one was still ugly, but in another way. She was like 20ish years old, but her face was so fucked. She looked like she was in her mid 30's with all her wrinkles. Sucks to be her. Anyways, she said something to rude us, assuming we didn't hear. We heard loud and clear and from then on, NO MORE BEING NICE. BRING IT ON BITCHES.

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