Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 13 November 3 The Peak

Today we had yummy and cheap won ton noodles then we were off to the traveling agency to book our trip to Thailand! it came to a total of $2194HKD + $400HKD tips. WOOOOOT!

We took the bus up to the Peak (a very long and winding uphill drive) and saw the view of HK from above. Pretty sick. After an hour we took the bus back down to Central. We decided to hop off at a stop we were not familiar with and walk around Central. We thought we would be able to find the Star Ferry docks easily, but we got slightly lost lol and it took a very very long time till we found the dock. Finally we boarded the ferry and we were back in TST.

At TST, Janice found a Nikon store. She was in a dire need for a memory card. Janice buys the memory card at "x" amount. Lala needed a battery and memory card too, but the price they were selling it at was too high, so we just ignored the man and walked away while he was bargaining on our behalf (....ladies, $350.....okok....$ much you want it for?!?) *we walk away still...*

We got back to Janice's aunts neighbourhood and found a supermarket. We thought this was illegal in hk, but apparently not....FARMER'S BLOW. so friggen nasty. It was a very unclean blow compared to the professionals in China LOL. It was literally dripping. GROSS

We get home, and we were having trouble unlocking the door. it was like we were retarded or something cause both of us couldn't get the door opened. After 10 minutes of looking like we were trying to break into the house lol we decide to call Janice's aunt's cell phone and we hear the phone ringing inside. All this time, the door was locked from the inside cause Janice's aunt was home -.-

First time we were not tired and it's 8pm! usually by 8pm we're both ready to sleep.

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