Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 24 November 14 Pattaya Island

Janice is still being tormented by the contaminated water...FML

We take a boat ride to the island and Janice was...sea sick. AHHHH

We finally got to the island. It was not as pretty as imagined. Regardless, we went JET SKIING! woot! Unfortunately, we didn't get the jetski to ourselves. One of the workers was a third wheel. Janice was driving and thought about throwing him off with a crazy Anyways, Lala held on for dear life as Janice went on high speeds hahahaha.

We took advantage of the sun and tanned for about an hour before it got all cloudy again. Many things happened within this hour. While we were tanning, the bitchy girls started hating on us and stared as usual. The 20 year old with a 30 year old face hid from the sun the whole time we were in Pattaya, hiding under an umbrella. Probably a good idea since her face was so wrinkly and effed as it was LOL. The other girl with the annoying voice and a nose that looked like tucan Sam's beak was wearing a neon yellow bikini. She took her shorts off but still had a white t-shirt on the top. It was so pointless since she was in the water and it became see-through. Then we discovered why she was wearing a t-shirt. The girl had BUSHY ARMPITS. HOLY MOLY! we could see the dark shadow even with her t-shirt. Someone please tell this girl to trim that bush or weed-wack it LOL. Anyways, while we were sitting there and tanning, some man decides to take a picture of us. WTF. Then we got used to seeing guys in speedos BUT this one man topped it off. HE WAS WEARING A THONG SPEEDO. FML.

Anyways, we got hungry and went for lunch. We were getting ready to change, when we discovered we lost our locker key!!! after searching frantically, Lala realizes she put the key in her bag which was in the locked up locker -.- embarrassed, we got the lock cut. hahaha.

Lunch was the beginning of war. The fat guy who was friends with the two bitchy girls made an unneccessary comment. Although Lala had no idea what he said, she glared at him. And this is how it all started.

We went for a thai massage where Lala pretended not to understand thai. Then she would speak in english and tell Janice what they were saying and if they were talking about us LOL Anyways, the massage was comfortable up until our legs were being contorted in awkward ways and when they cracked our back and neck! -.- One of the snobby girls was so relaxed she fell asleep and started to snore. what a loser.

Dinner time was more intense. There was a physical separation at our table. The 4 losers + the young couple and then there was a gap in seating, and then there was us. We rejected their offer to scoop us rice and they were slightly offended. We acted like nothing was wrong. Then we finished dinner and the fat guy spins the plate of watermelon over. We pretend as if we didn't see him do that and ignore the plate of watermelon completely. Fat guy says quietly "what a bitch...". We become SO PISSED, we crossed our arms, sat with a slouch, and stared him down hardly blinking. He didn't dare look up until he was finished eating. While we were waiting for the bus, they start talking about us outside (since we were inside, we saw them all looking at us), we decided to step outside, and just look at him until he turned his back. The bus finally came and we got on. While we were walking to the back of the bus, we both took turns giving him the nastiest death stare EVER. He never dared to look at the back of the bus.

Afterwards we went to see Tiffany's Show (she-males). Janice LOVED IT. It was so entertaining. Janice was very impressed at how pretty some of them were. Pictures will be uploaded soon. After the show, we got the chance to take pictures and we got suckered into taking a picture with one of the uglier she-males :(

Had our last beer of the trip before we separate... :(

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